Bridge Deck Surfacing

Man-made changes to the environment including unrestricted development, overtaxed resources, removal of surface cover, paving, or simply poor stewardship expose more soil to greater erosive forces and thereby substantially accelerate the rate of erosion.

Negative Effects of Erosion

  • Water pollution
  • Eroded sediments carrying chemical molecules have become a major water pollutant
  • As sediments accumulate, they fill up drainage channels and reduce the area available for storm water runoff
  • Flooding occurs when the outlets for storm water are clogged with sediment

Depending on the gradation of the bank soil GCL type can be chosen and long term benefits are as below :

  • Modest cost
  • Improved visual aesthetics
  • Proven performance
  • Ease of installation
  • Enhanced infiltration/groundwater recharge
  • Reduced flow velocities

Domain Leadership

  • Leading Granite Block Miners.
  • Mining capacity is 50,000 MT / annum.
  • Expertise in Mining, Shipping and Logistics.
  • Customized products for traditional and niche applications.


Ashapura Group of Industries

278, Jeeven Udyog Building, Dr D. N. Road, Fort, Mumbai, India - 400 001

Tel: +91 22 6665 1700 / + 91 9820911745


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